Database Content

The Risk Report contains profiles of some 6,000 companies, government organizations, and individuals around the world linked to the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, missiles, and advanced military technology, as well as the evasion of related sanctions. Some of these entities appear on official restricted party lists or are associated with designated entities; many do not appear on public lists but are supporting weapons of mass destruction programs.

The database also contains the full text of the U.N., EU, U.S., and other restricted party lists, EU and U.S. regulations governing trade in arms and dual-use goods, multilateral export control regimes, descriptions of the commodities controlled by these regimes, analysis of programs of concern by the Wisconsin Project, and additional reference material. All of this content is searchable via a secure, online interface.

Entity Profiles

Each entity profile is built by Wisconsin Project analysts using reliable open sources and includes:


  • Primary names, aliases, original script names, addresses, telephone numbers, other identifying information


  • A summary of sanctions or trade restrictions imposed on the entity

Risky Activity

  • A description of proliferation-related activities, including relevant facilities, products, and projects

Procurement Efforts

  • Information about sensitive imports and exports, and efforts to acquire controlled items

Company Information

  • A listing of related entities, including parents, subsidiaries, shareholders, clients, and key personnel, as well as company identification numbers

Restricted Party Lists

The Risk Report contains the full text of all publicly available restricted party lists relevant to proliferation and sanctions evasion, including:

  • U.N. Consolidated Security Council Sanctions List
  • U.N. List of Designated Vessels (1718 Sanctions Committee)
  • EU Consolidated List
  • EU Export Restrictions on Russia and Belarus
  • U.S. Consolidated Screening List
    • Commerce Department: Denied Persons List
    • Commerce Department: Entity List
    • Commerce Department: Military End User List
    • Commerce Department: Unverified List
    • State Department: List of Parties Debarred for Arms Export Control Act Convictions
    • State Department: Nonproliferation-Related Sanctions (pursuant to Executive Orders 12938 and 13382, Chemical and Biological Weapons Sanctions Laws, Missile Sanctions Laws, Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act)
    • Treasury Department: Correspondent Account or Payable-Through Account Sanctions List
    • Treasury Department: Foreign Sanctions Evaders List
    • Treasury Department: Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List
    • Treasury Department: Non-SDN Menu-Based Sanctions List
    • Treasury Department: Non-SDN Palestinian Legislative Council List
    • Treasury Department: Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List
    • Treasury Department: Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and Blocked Persons List
  • Australia: Consolidated List
  • Canada: Consolidated Autonomous Sanctions List
  • France: Autonomous Sanctions on Syria’s Chemical Weapon Program
  • Japan: Autonomous Sanctions Lists
    • Foreign End User List
    • Autonomous Sanctions on Belarus, North Korea, Russia, and Syria
    • Export Bans on Belarus and Russia
  • South Korea: Consolidated List
  • U.K. Consolidated List

Commodity Descriptions and Export Controls

The Risk Report contains descriptions of hundreds of sensitive commodities sought by risky buyers, including chemical weapon precursors, nuclear weapon and missile components, dangerous pathogens, and key manufacturing equipment, as well as the full texts of multilateral regimes and U.S. government and EU regulations relevant to the control of these items.

Controlled Product Descriptions

  • The commodity’s nature and purpose
  • Proliferation-related and civilian uses
  • Appearance when manufactured and packaged for shipment
  • Control numbers and Harmonized Tariff Schedule codes

Multilateral Export Control Regimes

  • Australia Group
  • Chemical Weapons Convention Schedules
  • Missile Technology Control Regime
  • Nuclear Suppliers Group
  • Wassenaar Arrangement

European Union Regulations

  • Dual-use Export Control List
  • Common Military List

U.S. Government Regulations

  • Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
  • International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulations

Reference Material

WMD Status Reports

  • Background reports and milestones of nuclear and missile programs in countries of proliferation concern

Export Control Analysis

  • Analysis of legislative and regulatory developments related to strategic trade controls and sanctions

Government and International Organization Publications

  • Government advisories and U.N. reports related to proliferation and sanctions evasion
  • Financial Action Task Force (FATF) black and grey lists and guidance

Proliferation News Summaries

  • Summaries of media reports about proliferation-related developments in over 100 countries around the world