Nuclear negotiations with Iran assumed a familiar pose in the waning days of December and the first days of 2015. Positive comments by both sides accompanied little progress. In an…
This is a list of the Wisconsin Project’s work related to nuclear weapons. One nuclear weapon could kill millions and destroy the natural environment. It is the most dangerous weapon on earth. Preventing the spread of technology and material that can be used in such weapons is the Wisconsin Project’s founding mission and our ongoing objective.
A Peaceful Nuclear Iran?
Presentation at the 2014 AIPAC Policy Conference, Washington, D.C. Last week, my organization received a call from a staff member on Capitol Hill who had an interesting question: how much…
Table of Iran’s Principal Nuclear Facilities
The table below lists information about facilities in Iran’s declared nuclear infrastructure.
How Close Is Iran to Acquiring Nuclear Weapons and What Has the World Done to Slow Iran’s Progress?
Remarks at the AIPAC Policy Conference I’ve been asked to address two questions: I. How close is Iran to acquiring nuclear weapons? II. What has the world done to slow…
Pakistan Nuclear Milestones, 1955-2009
1955: Establishment of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC). 1965: Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto announces “If India builds the bomb, we will eat grass or leaves, even go hungry. But…
Syria Nuclear Milestones – 1963-2009
1963: Syria joins the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). 1968: Syria signs the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT). Mid- 1970s: The Atomic Energy Commission of Syria (ACES) is established. 1979: The…
Chinese Exports to Iran
Today, prosecutors in New York revealed that during the past three years, Chinese firms have sold Iran materials useful for making nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. The revelations were the…
Theft of Nuclear Material: Reducing the Risk
An interview with William H. Tobey On January 14, 2009, the Wisconsin Project spoke with William H. Tobey, Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation at the National Nuclear Security Administration,…
An Arms Race We’re Sure to Lose
The New York Times September 29, 2008 THE coverage of the latest bombastic tour of Manhattan by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran may have obscured the fact that the International…
Iran Watch Roundtable: An Assessment of Europe’s Leadership in Confronting the Iranian Nuclear Challenge
Panelists: Philip Gordon Hans-Peter Hinrichson Danielle Pletka Simon Shercliff Terence Taylor Moderated by: The Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control Introduction Since the autumn of 2003, when the scope of…