Testimony of Gary Milhollin Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School and Director, Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near Eastern and…
This is a list of the Wisconsin Project’s work related to nuclear weapons. One nuclear weapon could kill millions and destroy the natural environment. It is the most dangerous weapon on earth. Preventing the spread of technology and material that can be used in such weapons is the Wisconsin Project’s founding mission and our ongoing objective.
Testimony: Selling US Supercomputers
Testimony of Gary Milhollin Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School and Director, Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control Before the House Committee on National Security Subcommittee on Military Procurement April…
Testimony: China’s Role in the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Testimony of Gary Milhollin Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School and Director, Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control Before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation…
Russia’s Nuclear Labs Get U.S. Supercomputers
The Commerce Department is now investigating the first sale of American supercomputers to the Russian nuclear weapon laboratories. The machines will enhance Russia’s ability to design nuclear warheads and were…
Rein In Technology Exports
Los Angeles Times February 26, 1997, p. A11 POLICY: Silicon Graphics’ sales abroad of supercomputers came just in time to continue the nuclear arms race. It should come as no…
India Cancels Nuclear Test; Empties Test Site
India has removed essential diagnostic equipment from its nuclear test site at Pokharan (Pokhran), U.S. intelligence officials say, indicating that the Indian government has abandoned its plan to conduct a…
U.S. Says “No” to Supercomputers for Russia’s Nuclear Weapon Labs
In mid-October, the Clinton Administration turned down a bid by Russia’s nuclear weapon laboratories to buy U.S. supercomputers. The sale was opposed by experts inside the U.S. government who feared…
Egypt’s Budding Nuclear Program
Argentina is building a nuclear reactor in Egypt that will give Cairo its first access to bomb quantities of fissile material, possibly enough plutonium to make one nuclear weapon per…
Israeli Nuclear Program Pioneered by Shimon Peres
In December 1995, former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres drew world headlines for his casual remark to a group of Israeli journalists in Tel Aviv: “Give me peace and we…
Israel’s Nuclear Shopping List
Despite Israel’s impressive achievements in nuclear weaponry, it still need imports to maintain and develop its existing arsenal. According to a 1992 Pentagon study, “The Militarily Critical Technologies List,” Israel’s…