Testimony of Gary Milhollin Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin Law School and Director, Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control Before the U.S.-China Security Review Commission October 12, 2001 I am…
This is a list of the Wisconsin Project’s work related to nuclear weapons. One nuclear weapon could kill millions and destroy the natural environment. It is the most dangerous weapon on earth. Preventing the spread of technology and material that can be used in such weapons is the Wisconsin Project’s founding mission and our ongoing objective.
Testimony: The WMD Threat Posed by Iraq
Testimony of Gary Milhollin Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin Law School and Director, Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia Committee on International…
Comments on the Al Qa’qa Bomb
In February 1996, Iraq gave the United Nations a report that purported to cover an Iraqi program to develop and test a nuclear radiation bomb in 1987. The report, which…
Document Reveals 1987 Bomb Test by Iraq
The New York Times April 29, 2001, p. A8 Iraq tested a bomb in 1987 that cast a radioactive cloud in the open air and was designed to cause vomiting,…
Libya Nuclear/Missile Milestones – 1996-2000
April 1996: Libya announces that it has no intention of acquiring nuclear weapons and signs a treaty declaring a nuclear-free zone in Africa. October 1997: Russia announces that it is…
China Nuclear Milestones – 1955-2000
1955-59: Six Sino-Soviet nuclear cooperation and assistance agreements are signed, ranging from joint uranium prospecting to the transfer of Soviet nuclear weapon technology. 1960: Soviet advisers and technicians leave China,…
Egypt Nuclear, Chemical and Missile Milestones – 1960-2000
1960: Egypt imports German engineers and scientists to help develop ballistic missiles. 1961: Egypt starts operation of a Soviet-supplied 2-megawatt research reactor at the Inshas Nuclear Research Center. 1963-67: Egypt…
Pakistan Nuclear Update – 2000
Since conducting nuclear tests in May 1998, Pakistan has continued to develop its nuclear weapon program. Two new reactors and a plutonium processing facility have become operational, and Pakistan may…
Iran Nuclear Update – 2000
Iran has been a member of the Nonproliferation Treaty since 1970 and claims not to have a nuclear weapons program. U.S. officials, however, believe Iran is trying to build the…
The Real Nuclear Gap
The New York Times June 16, 2000, p. A 33 The Los Alamos National Laboratory is facing another nuclear mystery. Two computer hard drives — full of weapons secrets —…