Pakistan Nuclear Update – 2003

Nuclear program overview Pakistan continues to increase its nuclear weapon capability, and to import the necessary dual-use equipment and materials. The country is now estimated to possess an arsenal of…

The Mullahs and the Bomb

The New York Times October 23, 2003, p. A27 WASHINGTON – With much fanfare, and the reluctant endorsement of the Bush administration, Iran has vowed to suspend its controversial effort…

Remarks on Iran’s Nuclear Program

Remarks to the Democratic Study Group on National Security by Gary Milhollin October 16, 2003 I am pleased to be able to address this distinguished group on an important question:…

India Nuclear Update – 2003

Nuclear weapon overview Since its nuclear weapon tests in May 1998, India has been gradually working to improve its nuclear weapon stockpile and its missile delivery systems. In the years…

Iran Nuclear Update – 2003

Since 2002, Iran has made rapid progress in its nuclear program. The Iranian government has continued work on a 1,000 megawatt nuclear reactor at Bushehr and a uranium conversion plant…

Iran’s Nuclear Program: For Electricity or a Bomb?

The New York Times Week in Review August 3, 2003 This summer, international attention has been focusing on nuclear sites in Iran.  Kenneth Brill, the American representative at the International…

We Still Face the Menace of Iraq’s Hidden Horrors

The Los Angeles Times May 22, 2003, p. A13 Saddam Hussein’s regime has been deposed, and the world is slowly losing interest in Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. There are…

The Road to War . . . and Beyond

A Round Table Discussion Thomas Donnelly, AEI Reuel Marc Gerecht, AEI Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, AEI Gary Milhollin, Wisconsin Project on Arms Control Moderator: Danielle Pletka, AEI March 4, 2003 MS….

Hans the Irrelevant

The Wall Street Journal January 28, 2003, p. A16. Imagine this: Hans Blix, the 74-year-old Swedish lawyer who now serves as chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq, after drawing himself…