1960: Egypt imports German engineers and scientists to help develop ballistic missiles. 1961: Egypt starts operation of a Soviet-supplied 2-megawatt research reactor at the Inshas Nuclear Research Center. 1963-67: Egypt…
Will Washington Penalize Cairo for Missile Trade with Pyongyang?
U.S. agencies are now debating whether there is enough evidence of missile trade between Egypt and North Korea to impose penalties against the two countries under U.S. law. “This is…
Egypt’s Budding Nuclear Program
Argentina is building a nuclear reactor in Egypt that will give Cairo its first access to bomb quantities of fissile material, possibly enough plutonium to make one nuclear weapon per…
Egypt’s Missile Efforts Succeed with Help from North Korea
Washington does not like to talk about Egypt as a proliferation threat, but Cairo’s flourishing missile partnership with North Korea is beginning to worry U.S. officials. After years of help…